Thursday, October 27, 2016

First Things First - Good in the way of the Great?

Winfield Staff Blog

Why post our goals?
Why publish those goals?
Why share them with others?
I will write my goals on the whiteboard in my office.
Parent Involvement

1st things 1st
Their best “engaged” face!

2. Where does “Helping” actually hurt.
This article sent to me by our superintendent reveals a snapshot of the perspective of our leadership, articulating a point of view,  thoughts and perspective on reaching our student body with an emphasis on Traditional Procedures. Please reflect on current practices looking for areas of growth and development, renewed focus and possible advancements.  

“Their best “serious” face!”

3. Another SNAPSHOT according to School Digger
The numbers at the dots are as follows:
2009 16.7
2010 18.5
2011 6.7
2012 17
2013 7.9
2014 5.7
2015 6.9
2016 16.7
The graph shows the year and corresponding percent of schools in the state we exceed.

Nicely done!  Yes, last year, increased our scores and ratings.  Major contributions in math and among the cohorts progressing through the building and a tighter bell shaped curve for us demonstrated increased consistency in the building among the teams.  Well done team. I would like to stay focused on our Pick Three Activity as a steering force.

Even Art Class at Winfield even involves snacks!

4. Great day of Technology PD at the high school
Highlights Include:
Does everyone know how to add BOOKMARKS to their Chrome Toolbar?  
Ask.  We can help.
SIS Shortcuts
Google Class
Google Forms

5. Reflections on our PD Tuesday
Watching you all work together, demonstrating your understanding, showing off your technological prowess, and supporting other district staff members encouraged and reinforced your leadership, fortitude and persistence.  You have embraced so many things in the past few years.  Technology, PBiS, Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventions, MAP testing, hardware and software, there is nothing you can’t do!  I am also encouraged by the progress in planning, organizing and the curriculum development.  It would be great to see everyone together over the summer for a few days of uninterrupted #nextlevel work as well.  
  • Halloween - No costumes at school.
  • Climate and Culture
    • Jay Reese
    • Scott Taylor
    • First Aid for some Coaches
    • Poverty / Reading Connection
      • SMART Goal
    • Pick Three
    • Technology De-Briefing
    • NEE Student Surveys-  Nov 3rd - Nov 9th
    • Students Login, then use a Token ID for individual staff
    • Reflect on results during mid year check up...
  • Binder Meetings - Teams should have first set of data cycles ready or submitted
    • We will borrow a Swivil from Dr Steffes to see how it works.
  • First Basketball Games at Home against Elsberry  
    • Girls here starting at 5:00  
    • Boys there, starting at 5:30
  • 7th Grade Girls and Boys host Van Far - 5:00 start time

  • Brunswick - Round Two -Nov 9th for 8th & 9th graders
  • November 16 Early Release theme
    • Poverty
    • Reading
6. Finally
Watching this team (you all) work, share, interact, collaborate, cooperate and inspire each other continuously impresses me.  From the comments and interaction during the PD on Tuesday, to the way folks step up to help each other, to so many positive comments and WOWs to the lunch.  In fact, Thursday, I was supervising lunch with Lisa and I had an epiphany.  I realized how fortunate I was individually.  Corporately, we blend within our diversity and even though we all don't agree on everything, we model toleration and acceptance for each other and the children like few other settings or environments.  These thoughts combined with the great ELA training we are receiving and the continued compassion for the students


Maybe I should leave this section here so we can refer to it as a bookmark page???
TABLE of CONTENTS from day one back in August with it’s introduction too.
The Manifesto

For instance, at the beginning of the year, I wrote out a huge document, almost a manifesto, on what I thought the building should be.  The document even needed an introduction page, called Page One, and a Table of Contents. I discussed

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Pick Three

On the Eve of Fall Break...
Winfield Staff Blog
Next week is Red Ribbon Week, with The Halloween Social on Friday after the AC LAB Challenge.

  • What should we stop doing?
  • What should we start doing?
  • What should we continue doing?
2. To engage children, begin with a hook, teach with a story, give them some reason, spark some interest, share your passion and make it relevant.

Watching the trailer will give you the basic idea of the movie...

5. Next Week: Red Ribbon Week
Short Week Schedule
Oct 26-28
  • No School
  • No School
  • No school but teachers meetings
  • Technology Training
  • Bright Futures Meeting at Central Office
  • Follow your Dreams - Wear PJs
  • Don’t let drugs MIX you up - Wear mixed up outfits
  • 6th Grade - ELA Planning Day
  • Binder Meetings - Teams should have first set of data cycles ready or submitted
    • We will borrow a Swivil from Dr Steffes to see how it works.
  • Football Banquet in the Commons at 5:30
  • RED-Y to live a drug free life. Wear RED (No Halloween Costumes)
  • Ac Lab Assembly - 2:00ish/8th hour
    • Students to take things to the Gym
    • Cosby to “host”  
    • Then dismiss outside and re-enter the cafeteria after school.
  • October Halloween Social Right after school in commons till 4:45
  • Early Release PD - Nov 2
    • Jay Reese
    • Scott Taylor
    • First Aid for Coaches
    • Poverty / Reading Connection
      • SMART Goal
    • Pick Three
  • Brunswick - Round Two -Nov 9th for 8th & 9th
  • November 16 Early Release theme
    • Poverty
    • Reading

Great Tiaras! Everybody wants in on the the #photobomb…

6. Data: Binder work for Thursday
Where do we need to focus based on our strand scores?
I have additional supporting details on the IBDs.  They are large documents of many pages.  Binder teams will use the data to drive their goals and action steps. I have emailed a few out.  If you want them again, they are on google docs as well.

Intermediate eValuate Data from last year...
When looking at the Intermediate work from last year, I begin to wonder how we might be able to duplicate that right here?  I think it is an accurate use of eValuate as a formative tool reviewing results directly after the test.
7. Pick 3
Think about all the things that are going on at the middle school and consider what else we do to try and help students learn.  Are there things we should be doing instead?  Activities that should cease? New things that should replace these?

  • eValuate/MAP Incentive Brunswick - Oct 19th for 6th & 7th
    • Nov 9th for 8th & 9th
  • Parent / Teacher Conferences 10/17 & 10/19 for the Middle School
  • Fundraising
  • Chromebooks for All*
  • MobyMax for all*
  • eValuate for all,
    • Results Review
  • Newspapers in Education*
  • Data Walls*
  • NEE Teacher Evaluations
    • Units of Instruction
    • Lesson Plans
  • Word Walls*
  • Lesson Plans
  • Student Self Reported Grades*
  • Teacher Support
    • Collaborative Work Grant
    • Math Consultants*
    • ELA Trainers*
    • Teacher Collaboration
  • Block Scheduling in ELA
  • Binder Content Meetings
  • Parent Positive Postcards Home*
  • PBiS
  • Collaboration Days
  • Pepsi (& Pizza*) with the Principal
    • * New this year

After raising scores or earning Proficient or Advanced, students enjoyed a trip to Brunswick XL Zone for Laser Tag, Bowling, Pizza, and an Arcade Card for prizes and loot!
Was it worth it? YEP!

8. Start, Stop and Continue???

We are in a great spot.  We have so many effective interventions going on here at the Middle School.  Please help me by gathering other interventions that we are currently doing.
We will use Sticky Notes at our next PD time and prioritize together .

Tom McCracken

Maybe I should leave this section here so we can refer to it as a bookmark page???
TABLE of CONTENTS from day one back in August with it’s introduction too.
The Manifesto

For instance, at the beginning of the year, I wrote out a huge document, almost a manifesto, on what I thought the building should be.  The document even needed an introduction page, called Page One, and a Table of Contents. I discussed