Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Here are a few details as we gear up for our back to school.

Winfield Middle School Back to School Memo 2018-19
After the July board meeting, we have all our staff hired and ready to go.  
Our new bell schedule, including start and stop times, is ready.
Times are typically bumped up 30 minutes.
Student schedules are progressing.
Mentors and new teachers are connecting.
Floors are being waxed and ready.
Classroom blinds are delivered.
PD plans developed.
Lots of boxes, packages, and deliveries.  

August 1, 2 and/or 3.  
You and your content or grade teams may come up for up to 2 paid days of
PD/Planning, collaboration or committee work.  
There will be a sign-up sheet to log those PD hours for reimbursement.

Blinds are delivered and awaiting installation.

The school will be open and we expect rooms will be ready to
assemble if you wish any day after Aug 1.

NEW TEACHERS and MENTEES - Buddies are optional.
August 8 & 9 New teachers meet at the Middle School Cafe for breakfast by 7:50 to begin two days of district training.
Lunch will also be provided.

Again this year, the new teachers and mentors will meet in the
Middle School Cafeteria on Wednesday, August 8.

Class of 2025 (6th grade) and New Students to the District on
Thursday, August 9, 2018, 5:00-6:30 pm   
(Staff shirt sizes are needed- Be sure you complete the google form)

August 10, 13 & 14.  Start Friday morning at the high school for district-wide pictures,
welcome, and breakfast.  Additional details are on this link.
Of course, there will be other copies of this later but we wanted folks to have it.

BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT - Monday Night August 13, 2018
5:00 - 6:30 pm Meet Your Bus Driver/Transportation Questions - Primary Cafeteria
5:30 - 7:00 pm - Intermediate & Middle School
5:00 - 6:30 pm - Primary (Pre-K, K, 1st & 2nd) & High School

FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL for STUDENTS:  Wednesday, August 15

NEW START TIMES  typically 30 minutes earlier for the Middle and High School  
           Typical Student Day 7:20 - 2:22
Early Day 7:20-12:07
Contracted Day 6:50 - 2:52

Thursday, April 27, 2017

What would John Wooden do in that situation?

What would John Wooden do if he worked at Winfield Middle School? At the risk of being sarcastic, mean, flippant or obnoxious, I looked for gratitude to be my attitude this morning at an impromptu staff meeting. A sincere authentic share of what every (almost) every person means to the excellence around the middle school. Winfield Middle School Teachers, THANK YOU.

Later, talking with Coach, it reminds us of how a coach might focus on Wins and Losses over fundamentals, building skills, learning the basics and ground laying foundation work. Similarly, I may have pulled us off the mark by focusing too much energy on the ENDS and not enough focus on the MEANS.  Do I focus too much on the eValuate scores?  Do I show that I value the product over the producer?  I have to recenter myself and as we wind down and not quit or give up, but remember these things about our students…

Their struggle is real.  
Students are filled with the uncertainty, doubt and ambiguity about their future.
All of us, especially the developing mind of students, are especially susceptible to the changes and transitions happening at the beginning and end of a school year.

Assignment? Have students free write after contemplating this poem:
“Cause I Ain’t Got a Pencil,” Joshua T. Dickerson describes the damaging effects of poverty:
"I woke myself up
Because we ain’t got an alarm clock
Dug in the dirty clothes basket,
Cause ain’t nobody washed my uniform
Brushed my hair and teeth in the dark,
Cause the lights ain’t on
Even got my baby sister ready,
Cause my mama wasn’t home.
Got us both to school on time,
To eat us a good breakfast.
Then when I got to class the teacher fussed
Cause I ain’t got no pencil"

Academics Matter?
Well done.  Here is the list for students who earned a Hot Dog coupon.  We will allow each student a credit during the field day concessions for a hot dog.  They will be able to upgrade that as well.

Keep it up!
2016-17 in Green
2015-16 in Red

(Is our focus on the scores or the excellence?  Is this what the first quote is trying to address?  Is my focus to narrow?  Do I define success in only one scale or are there multiple indicators?)

Summer Academy
Similar but not exactly like Summer Journey, Summer Academy will meet daily as well.  The AM will be an academic focus and the PM will use the kinesthetic adventures to build relational connections to the high school.  Students will be able to use transportation and meals are provided as well.

Remind me please, not to match the high school block scheduling next year.  We need no additional stress added during this season of the school year, especially in front of the MAP, Field Day, Six Flags, etc, all impending, stress inducing and filled with uncertainty for students.

Teacher Appreciation Week
And the week after
May 1st - May 12th

Monday - May 1
    • (We’re not doing that again!)
Tuesday - May 2
  • Culture / Climate
  • Final Student of the Month (student of the Year for the BOE - 6th grade team, 7th grade team and 8th grade team.
  • Spring Choir Concert - Middle School Gym at 7:00 PM
Wednesday - May 3
Thursday - May 4
    • Start with the 6th grade ELA in the AM and Math in the PM
Friday - Cinco de Mayo
    • MAP- 8th Grade ELA, All day

Monday - May 8
    • 8th Grade Science in the AM
    • 6th & 8th grade Make ups in the PM
Tuesday - May 9
    • 7th grade ELA in the AM and Math in the PM
Wednesday - May 10
    • 8th grade Math
Thursday - May 11
  • MAP TESTING Make ups
Friday - May 12
    • Six Flags

Please follow Test Taking Suggestions
Plenty of rest, exercise and stress free activities

  • Step Up Days for the 5th Graders
    • We have worked these days into a different type of event this year. We are working on a plan to maximize our learning as well as set the minds at ease of the incoming 5th graders.
      • TBD:  May 15th or 16th (Not the Field Day)
      • All 5th grade students will visit the building together
      • They will travel, tour, explore lockers and eat lunch in small groups
      • Details will follow
  • Spring Choir Concert - May 2nd
  • Middle School MAP Testing - May 4th - 11th
    • Please follow Test Taking Suggestions
      • Plenty of rest, exercise and stress free activities
  • Senior Clap Out - May 12th
  • Field Day - May 15th - The Consummate Ac Lab Challenge
  • Spring Band Concert - May 16th
  • Chris’s Cakes - May 17th
  • Last Day of School - May 17th
  • High School Graduation - May 21st at 2:00 PM
  • 2017-18 6th Grade Back to School Night - Thursday, August 10, 2017

As I contemplate our efforts, what we have done so far and where we have come from, I see what that looks like from my enlightened perspective.  As a coach, I should worry more about the process and less about the actual outcome.  Although it is still valuable, the journey deserves more attention!  I should make sure they know how to turn a double play, use intentional office, bunt at the right time and swing for the fences as well!

Again, thank you for ALL you do!

Tom McCracken

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Don't count the days. Make the days count!

Don't count the days.
Make the days count!

Grades for the last Progress Report
of the year are due this Weekend!
Keep it up!
2016-17 in Green
2015-16 in Red
The formative feedback, adjusting instruction to students know what the question is asking, how the question is framed and how the negative is really the positive.

The week of April 24th - 28th
BLOCK SCHEDULING Continues, with adjustments
Our block schedule will need midstream adjusting as we align every day to have the same bell schedule!
Great job on keeping the office posted when you take an outside break.  
Please do not plan to take 30 minute breaks.


Monday - April 24
  • RED/Odd Day
  • BOGO Book Fair - April 24 - 28 (Buy One, Get One)
Tuesday - April 25
  • BLACK/Even Day
  • BOGO
  • PBiS Tier 1 will be meet in the AM and Tier 2 in the PM - see the email details for times
    • Confirmation Packet
  • Terri Steffes is slated to present to the 6th and 8th hour prep staff today
  • Books due to the Library this week
  • NJHS Induction - April 25 at 6:30 pm in Middle School Gym
  • for 6th graders*
Wednesday - April 26
  • BOGO
  • RED/Odd Day
  • for 6th graders*
Thursday - April 27
  • BOGO
  • BLACK/Even Day
  • Chess Club - Mr. Utlaut’s room
  • for 6th graders*
Friday - April 28
  • BOGO
  • for 6th graders*
  • RED/Odd Day
  • Special Olympics

Please follow Test Taking Suggestions
Plenty of rest, exercise and stress free activities

  • Block Scheduling begins April 18th through 28th
  • Step Up Days for the 5th Graders
    • We have worked these days into a different type of event this year. We are working on a plan to maximize our learning as well as set the minds at ease of the incoming 5th graders.
      • TBD:  May 15th or 16th (Not the Field Day)
      • All 5th grade students will visit the building together
      • They will travel, tour, explore lockers and eat lunch in small groups
      • Details will follow
  • Summer School Registration until April 26th - ALL STUDENTS WELCOME
  • gives #thattalk to our 6th graders April 24th -28th*
  • Spring Choir Concert - May 2nd
  • Middle School MAP Testing - May 4th - 11th
    • Please follow Test Taking Suggestions
      • Plenty of rest, exercise and stress free activities
  • Senior Clap Out - May 12th
  • Field Day - May 15th - The Consummate Ac Lab Challenge
  • Spring Band Concert - May 16th
  • Last Day of School - May 17th
  • High School Graduation - May 21st at 2:00 PM
  • 2017-18 6th Grade Back to School Night - Thursday, August 10, 2017

Six Flags
We have had over 250 students sign up for the Six Flags Trip. It is great to have such a huge response.  We will be shuttling 5 buses throughout the day. We are still waiting for all the students to sign up on the link to know what staff will need to go to what locations. PLEASE HAVE THEM TAKE THIS SURVEY

#ThatTalk might be embarrassing but it is vital for our future! *
Here's the outline of the 6th and 8th grade BESTCHOICESTL.ORG talks and an opt-out form for ANY parents who would rather give #ThatTalk themselves. They are also ON FACEBOOK too. This week (April 18-21) the 8th graders will participate in their version and the 6th graders next week(April 24-28) get their version.  Students or families wishing to opt out will received an alternative book assignment covering the same content.

Opt out here:
Print and send this in or call the school to opt out.
An alternate assignment also aligning with DESE curriculum will be assigned for the student to complete from a text book.

Attendance Comparison:  Making the turn!
Inching back higher!
We can do this!.