Thursday, August 25, 2016

Agree to disagree? or Consensus?

Homecoming 2016
Spirit Week
We’re not sure who had the most fun during the Tacky Vacation Wear Day;
The Staff or Students of Winfield Middle School?
Thanks for the great PBiS PD on Wednesday.  It seemed like a good use of our time.  Both groups discussed consistency and a set of common expectations we could all agree to adhere to.  Hallway Expectations, Active Supervision, Classroom Expectations, Common Themes for us to agree on…  What is most important for us here at Winfield Middle School?  It seemed we had come to a point where we could check our passions at the door and agree together to serve the students.  Like hats in the building, it was a big deal but we have all agreed to enforce it, not because it bothers us or we have an opinion but because, when we as adults agree, the students see and appreciate the consistency and unity.  

Teacher Hopping?
For instance, a student asked me, “Can I go to my locker?” I was not sure why a student would ask me that question, so I paused.  Coach came up and I deferred the question to him.  Then, it was clear that the student was trying to “Teacher Hop” and bypass the rule by asking the Principal!  Sounds like at home.  If mom says NO, ask DAD.  Together, the letter of the rule is not as important as the need for us to be unified and together in our enforcement!

Does every room follow a common set of expectations?  No Hats, etc
Does every board have a SWBAT & TO DO: list for the daily activity?
Does every teacher pepper the positive comments with only a few negative or suggestive comments?  
Does every teacher ban cell phones with some type of PHONE HOME cubby or ???
How important is it to teach students citizenship through a universal set of expectations and norms?

Walk-Through Bullet Points
I am seeing teachers adapting very well. Thank you.  Many have begun to take great risks trying these new techniques, adding components and taking those risks necessary to encourage our students to do the same.  This might be an area where I need to help ensure we are all on the same page?  For instance, the planners.  We agreed to use the planners yet some staff do and some don’t.  Do planners really matter?  Does standing in unity matter more?  
Who speaks the most in our rooms?  Teachers or students?  Does it matter?
Students love hearing their name spoken in a positive sentence.  Hence the PBiS 4:1 Ratio.
Word Walls, Data Walls???
Student Reported Grades.
POST CARDS GOING OUT?  I see some have been sent.  We are just about at the end of the first progress report.  It may be a good time to send a positive note early???

PD Schedule:
Please ensure you have days requested according to the PD schedule for your planning. Let’s use this UPDATED TEMPLATE just for our BINDER meetings.  We can visit among the groups to set up a plan for serving the needs of each team as needed.  We can use one document for the entire year and log things on that page as necessary.

Labor Day Coming up Quickly

  • Team and Squad practices continue throughout the week - Games begin after the long weekend.
  • Activities Meeting at 7:15 in HIGGINS ROOM
  • Binder Day
  • Assembly this Friday?
    • We don’t have a whole lot on our plate this week.  It may be a good time to meet in the gym???

Students have begun logging in, setting things up and taking baseline tests.  The adaptive nature of this PD may be a thing where students, without work to do or a book to read may have to spend 20 minutes on MOBY MAX to get to the # ________?

Speaking of RTI
If a student does NOT complete a HOT sheet assignment in Ac Lab due to lack of effort please email the student's name by the end of 1st hour to:
6th grade- Stroud (6th hour)
7th grade- Farhat (7th hour)
8th grade- Fisher (6th hour)
Also please tell the student that will need to come to said teachers at the hour noted.

NO! Seriously!

I am so honored to be able to work along-side this team. Listening to you all express opinions, work to consensus and realize being right is not as important as doing right for the kids! Here are some guest author thoughts following our PBiS PD on Wednesday:
PBiS Tier 2
What we spoke about in our Tier 2 training was specifically how we are going to track students with the use of buddy sheets and HOT sheets.  We would like to discuss the number of sheets we think should be allowed before a student is care teamed.  At that time then all care team paperwork needs to filled out by all team members for that student before care team can discuss any interventions for said student.  In addition, the buddy sheets need to be tracked according to behavior.  For example 3 buddy sheets for 3 different behaviors does not mean an ASD.  3 buddy sheets for same behavior = ASD.  Buddy sheets are being revamped which will make it easier for student and teacher.  Teachers also need to be reteaching expectations before sending that student back to class with their filled out buddy sheet.  You may do this on your own time before or after teaching your class.  It is not expected of you to stop what you are doing to reteach a behavior.*  This gives that student a cool down time as well as some extra think time.  Ac lab teachers need to be tracking buddy sheets as well as HOT sheets.  Make sure to send all buddy sheets to that student’s ac lab teacher please.

And another…
Our discussion yesterday reminded me that faculty need to practice the candid self-reflection that we encourage our students to practice. Although it is tempting to believe we are 100% consistent with certain best practices, we also need to remember that it is highly unlikely. If it happened easily, more teachers would do it. Growth of this type usually occurs through intentional focus and goal-setting.


Tom McCracken

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