Thursday, August 20, 2015

Staff #7 - Fire Drills, Lunches & Routines

Teach and Re-Teach 
From entering the room to leaving for the buses, 
middle school students may need lessons in everything.

I remain encouraged by the wonderful habits we are forming with our students this year at the middle school.  Substitute teachers continue to remark about outstanding student behaviors.  Again, a simple hand raising at lunch for all 100+ children to sit back down and listen to a reminder, after the dismissal bell rang.  Speaking of lunch,  we have talked about being bored, manners and wondered why the girls in Daugherty’s Ac Lab science experiment were winning naturally or just working through the thought process of share/steal.

The eVaulate presentation seemed to bring great promise and potential.  Passwords were delivered and here is our link.  Please, explore and take the TRAINING TEST.  We will briefly discuss on Monday. 

The website was where I gathered the statewide ranking for our middle school 529/584, which they claimed was ranked up from last year.  They ranked our entire district at 459/492 this year as an index with improvement.  They have some formula they use that may or may not accurately portray our data. The results are not exactly the same as DESE but the public may view this cursory report and ask questions.   

Wrapped up the pictures, then…
Fire-drill after the photographer left the building.  (3:18 minutes) Touch base with new teachers for routes, procedures, destinations and how to gather at the end. At least Ross, Mix, and Myself will have two-way radios.  We are processing the drill folders today.  We will add Hines to the Radio List.

Assembly – I will try and remember to allow staff to sit down.
Football, Volleyball and softball to be announced by coaches – (bring rosters for names)
(Rodgers, will you ask the new softball coach or will you get the roster and do it for him?) 
Ac Lab Challenge -  Great mascots!
Be thinking of 2 “volunteers” Male and Female, but DO NOT TELL THEM WHAT MAY HAPPEN.
Think about sending weekly emails to parents today, both positive and constructive.
Coach will set up good music and two microphones.
The first door decorated this year.  
Maybe next week we could have ac labs decorate the door with their mascot theme?

Monday - August 24
Binder Teams
District and Building Goals Review and discuss
Bring student work & best lesson/activity so far to share
Prepare to share student data
Pull up template link

Admin Meeting at CO at 1pm to review data, goals and next steps
May need extra bus supervision???

Google Docs possible Ac Lab Club Meetings 
Another Data Meeting at Central Office at 10:00

Weekly Blog

End of PROGRESS REPORTING SESSION #1 Grades to be entered by Sunday with multiple grades encouraged.

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