Monday, July 20, 2015

"Ancora Imparo" Staff 2

School in just a matter of weeks.

July 20, 2015

Up early to take in this sunrise after a night of storms.  
The blanket of fog filled the Grand Canyon of Arkansas.

I just spent a few days in Arkansas riding my motor scooter, exploring some of the twisting roads and local diners throughout the rural Ozark Mountains near a little town nestled by the Buffalo River named Jasper.  The Gordon Motel, a true town square with the stately stone courthouse in the middle, The Ozark Café with the quaint counter, booths and tables, and gas station still offering “filler-up” service all portrayed an authentic Mayberry RFD atmosphere.  (Does anybody know what the RFD** stands for?)  It was like they chose to throw-back to a different era, where times were easier and safer and worries were addressed in a half hour television show.  We no longer have that luxury.  We can’t just sit back and hope for the best but must take a proactive approach. 

For this week’s communique, please read this post about what I feel is valuable and vital for the beginning of a school year.  These are things I would like to see early in every classroom this year.  Many of these items already exist in some format or another and we may only need to briefly chat about their articulation. This week, July 20th, I would like to ask staff to consider what these components would look like in their classes. 
                Suggested Day 1: - (See the details in this blog) 
SWBAT: Begin to understand rules, procedures, inner-personal relationships, anarchy, bullying, coaching and democracy in this room and building.
1.       Seating Chart (alphabetical)
2.       Rules verses Procedures conversation (split paper into 4 boxes)
3.       Omit all Dark Sarcasm - Manners
4.       Course Syllabus including:
       Grading scale, class expectations, course objectives and parent signature line due tomorrow
5.       Entering and Leaving classrooms
6.       Stool Sheet-Do Now-Bell Ringers (bell to bell activity)
7.       Attention Getting Mechanisms – raise hand etc
8.       Students to report to you what GRADE they expect in yours and every other class on 3X5 card
9.       Attitude correlates to altitude…
10.   Assignment – Return Signed Syllabus tomorrow.             

Again, please read this blog about my expectations of what the first few days of school look like. 

Thank you.
Tom McCracken

**Rural Free Delivery (I had to google it.  I mistakenly thought it was Rural Fire District)

*Alcora Imparo - "I am still learning"

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