Wednesday, March 23, 2016

#Twinning, growing and serving together!

Winfield Middle School Staff Blog to tie up some loose ends...
Staff Blog 031716

“Nice shirt!”  
Foodbank 2016.jpg
Serving others pulls the attention off ourselves and on to others around us.  Serving with others tightens the bonds among friends and solidifies relationships.  On Tuesday,Winfield Middle School sent a squad to serve at a St Louis food pantry, moving over 3 tons of product in preparation for disbursement. Their common challenge and overcoming of obstacles brought this group even closer together.

“Did you hear what she said about…?”
“Look at this Snapchat from…!”
Thanks for posting this article on EMOTIONAL or SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE. It seems to make sense when we think about the struggles our students carry with them, everywhere!
What is drama?
Why is it so prevalent?
How does impulse control fit?
What can we do as professionals to address it?
Read the article.  

“The ELA teachers at Winfield Middle School would like to host a Flat Stanley Event.  All students, AND STAFF at Winfield Middle School are welcome and even expected to play along.  Three categories make up the project.  
1. Geographic setting - How far away does your Flat Stanley get over the Spring Break?
2. Looks - How well does the Flat Stanley look in his Winfield Gear?  
The best decorated Flat Stanley will win.
3. Character development: How developed is the Flat Stanley’s character?
4. A big MAP could grace our wall with locations and destinations.
Classes will host the preliminary choices and the best from each class could be entered into the finals.  These finals will be entered to win big after we all get back from Spring Break.”
Probable Steps:
In class, decorate and begin to describe your Flat Stanley.
Take him with you over spring break, wherever you go.
Take SELFIEs with Stanley
Save and be prepared to send your selfies back after Spring Break.
Student Edition and Staff Version as well…
               Any other thoughts or feedback?

Parent Communication
Update Gradebooks
End of the period is April 8th, the week we get back from Spring Break. Please update your teacher gradebook in SIS to give parents some notification over the break of how they might help their students.

Attendance Numbers
From the data, it appears the pizza has made an impact on our attendance.  We are also focusing on those students in the 88-90% range as well.  We expect this to have a limited impact and are looking for ways to support our wards while they are with us.

Speaking of Impact
Terri Steffes mentioned the program would motivate students to engage for a few months.  Look on the website, sign up for free and see if there are pre-made surveys before you try and reinvent your own survey.  At last count, it appears like there were over 6 million quizzes already created and ready to go.  Use keywords to search for an appropriate survey.
Then, let me know when you are doing one in class.  Pictures would be great.

“Screen shot”

Log in:  and then GO to the bottom of that page to sign up.
Here is another one of the sites she referred to during Monday’s Binder Meetings:

Thursday (like a friday ) March 24th
  • eValuate Picnic

Friday - NO SCHOOL  - Spring Break March 25th - April 4th
  • Middle School Track meet on Thursday at Home at 4:00pm

See the flyer for details
  • Our second Track Meet from 4-7 on Thursday, March 31st is at home.  Field workers would be put to good use, I’m sure!
  • With way too many connections to the area to ignore, we welcome Sgt. Chris Bosley of the St Charles Cyber Crime Task Force who will present to the parents and community of Winfield in our very own Middle School Gym.  Celebrity Status right here at 6:30 pm.
  • Early Release, April 6th, when we return.

Monday - APRIL 4th
  • Binder Meetings

Tuesday - APRIL 5th
  • Feel free to remind us if we still owe pizza to a specific hour for reaching their goals.
  • After we come back from Spring Break and on Tuesday, the Middle School hosts Sgt Bosley

Wednesday - APRIL 6th

Thursday - APRIL 7th
  • Steering Committee in Higgins Room

Friday - APRIL 8th
  • Nominate Student of the Month
    • The BOE Meeting is April 19.

Thoughts and discussion items for us:
Summer school - I have had a few people mention summer school.  I am not exactly sure and don’t want to ignore anyone.  PLEASE EMAIL ME ASAP TO EXPRESS YOUR INTEREST IN WORKING DURING SUMMER SCHOOL.  I have one signed up.  We have room for one more…

SIx Flags - May 12th
We are assembling a trip to invite ALL grades to spend a Leadership Day at SIx Flags.  Here is our list of possible candidates.  Students will be invited on Thursday, then have till APRIL 8th to pay their fees.  They can get admission and meal ticket as necessary.  Possible candidates will have had to reach and maintain their goals and benchmarks for March to be considered.

Looking at the CITY MUSEUM from the west, with the sun setting behind us, we managed to spend a few hours exploring the true repurposing of so much of St Louis.

Summer Planning
Know the standards! Align the standards with our Pacing Guide to
Continue to build an outline and framework for assessments,.
Connect the standards with DOK, SWBAT, meaningful activities,
Links to Your Content: Science, ELA, MATH, Social Studies

In both these groups, nearly 25 students have climbed out of the Below Basic and up into the other categories. Well done, Team.
We do see our below basic population shrinking.  The little blue stripe is an possible expectation of students scoring advanced or proficient on the MAP test in May.  
We had a lunch discussion Wednesday about finding a wild fox and what it might say.  We speculated over some options and what could happen if we took the wild animal home and tried to nurse it back to health and strength.  Besides the legal implications of owning and keeping wildlife in the State of Missouri without a permit, we thought only of ourselves. We enjoyed the emotional or sentimental response that doing this good deed might illicit in inside ourselves.  We thought bringing something back from the brink of impending doom held a certain mystique, or power behind it.   Then we considered the fox and the necessary struggle it needs to grow, get strong, learn how to find water and food.  It will also need to learn from its mother how to avoid predators, roads and civilization, including mankind  and possible outcomes.  At the onset, we felt like it would have been nice if we took care of it but at the end, all we did was postpone reality.

So how can we reconcile this cynicism and still teach school?  Let's do this!


Thursday, March 17, 2016

Who is Earl Nightingale?

Winfield Middle School Staff Blog
Staff Blog 031716

Does anybody know who Earl Nightingale is?
Where we let our mind go during neutral or carefree time steers us in the direction we become.  
Where we focus, think about or worry on will become us.

Thoughts and discussion items for us:
Summer school - I have had a few people mention summer school.  I am not exactly sure and don’t want to ignore anyone.  PLEASE EMAIL ME ASAP TO EXPRESS YOUR INTEREST IN WORKING DURING SUMMER SCHOOL.

Assembly - Details below

End of the Year - Great discussions on the end of the year details.  LEt's keep those conversations flowing and if there are great thoughts uncovered in a small group discussion, please let me know those ideas.


  • AC LAB Challenge where Mr Ross is finally relinquishing his title as reigning champion. Our assembly will begin after we get the 5th graders in and the 8th graders out! This may be 8:00 - 8:15.  We will strive to be done around 9:00 to head to 3rd hour.
We will use the bleachers for students to retire to after elimination.
First classes head to the farthest available area to re-assemble your classes.
Coaches will use good variety of music for the HOT POTATO type challenge.  
The teacher is surrounded by the students.  The balls fly during the music.  
When the music stops and balls are in your circle still, you're out.
(Stay tuned for additional elimination rounds or ???)
Did I forget anything?

  • Myra Collins will be touring and visiting with our Math Team from 12:15 - 1:45.  She will observe each class for a few minutes, then collaborate after with feedback, questions and answers.

  • At the end of the day, we will set up the bleachers and prepare for the GLOW VOLLEYBALL fundraiser.
Six teams will compete for prizes, praises and all the glory, as well as nice parting gifts and their entry fee returned.  Please let know if you are available to help in the set-up, tear down or supervision.

  • Winfield Primary is hosting an Easter Egg hunt at 11:00 am.

Monday - First day of Spring   
  • Binder Team time
    • MAP Prep
    • DATA submissions
    • Student Feedback
  • Night Class

  • Food Bank Tour/ Picnic - NJHS
  • Admin Meeting & 9:00
  • Inter-Agency -  (Mix to attend. Limited attendance snacks today)

  • This will be the last day to earn a pizza or cookie snack for perfect attendance.  We will look at the data to see if there was any effect on our Attendance Rate results.  
  • The fourth quarter will be a concerted effort on those students hovering around the +/-88% mark that might likely reach the goal and put us over the top.  It is that group that will make the difference. Our benchmark is set at 90%/90%.  Last year we earned 75% of our Attendance credit because we missed our goal.  We could pick up easy building points here.

  • March eValuate students will earn a SURPRISE HOT DOG - Potato Chip - PICNIC out in the front field.
  • Well will plan to up our numbers from the 50 Knockerball participants to hot dogs for 70.  
  • I will start cooking at 12:30, set up by 12:45, briquettes by 1:00, the first dogs will come off at 1:15 and the track team may come out first, then the 8th graders (1:30), 7th graders (1:45)  and 6th graders (1:30) in a staggered start.  We will invite via intercom.
  • We will probably have a little music going out there as well.  Any #TBT mixes are eligible for the play list.
  • Please slide any student over to this page and we will publish their names for the picnic next week.
    • Next Thursday is our Friday so our time is short.
  • OUR FIRST TRACK MEET OF THE SEASON today as we travel to Montgomery County for a 4:00 start time.  Departure slated for 2:00 pm.

Friday - Day 1 of Spring Break 2016-
How about a FLAT STANLEY contest for travelers during the break?

See the flyer for details
  • Our second Track Meet from 4-7 on Thursday, March 31st is at home.  Field workers would be put to good use, I’m sure!
  • With way too many connections to the area to ignore, we welcome Sgt. Chris Bosley of the St Charles Cyber Crime Task Force will present to the parents and community of Winfield in our very own Middle School Gym.  Celebrity Status right here at 6:30 pm
  • Early Release, April 4th, when we return.

My Vote for President...???
When do we get to share our opinions or choices?  Voting is part of the democratic as well as collaborative process.  This Presidential Election Year sets the stage to introduce “delegates.” But back in our own yard, please let these appropriate agencies below hear from you some time today if at all possible.  

Items for us To Do:
  1. Take The Survey for the Technology Committee to begin.
  2. Also, please take the survey for the CFA Grant.
    1. (These were the same ones as requested on 3/17 and may be duplicates for some of you)
  3. Review ALL THREE PAGES of  the Pyramid of Academic Interventions.
    1. We could draft through it this 4th quarter to see if there are any minor adjustments we need by 16-17 in policy and procedure.
  4. Give a special shout to Hanna for getting 88 digits of pi under her belt!  Also, a day of SINK OR FLOAT, artistic displays and plenty of pie.  Nice work Math.
  5. One of my favorites is still the student recognitions at the Board Meetings.  I get to read them in front of the board and sometimes , they really appreciate your prose and subtle nuances shared about our students.  The parents are beaming and the students are turning RED. Keep them coming.  Oe staff member asked if we could add extra nominees.  I replied with an enthusiastic, “YES!”

After seeing this pic shared with me and those two models on the testing page that we looked at in our early release time, Ii was going to write about me.  The summative evaluations however continue to shift my focus on to you, the great work, the time and effort put into the UOIs and how deep we reach into the student’s lives.  It seems like we are working through many issues together but your attitudes, willingness and collaborations are so sincere and authentic, I should just get out of your way.  Thank you.  Again, thinking of the work, the effort and diligence displayed, I can't help but know we are on the path to being #onthemap.

Where’s this?