Thursday, October 29, 2015

November 2 - Staff Blog

Red Ribbon Wrap Up

Building Guests
We seem to have had a few extra guests in the building taking tours, visiting, and checking on details.  Comments vary but their observations are predominantly positive and encouraging.  Substitutes remark about the attitudes of both staff and students.  Others appreciate the orderliness and volume in the hallways.  Even our PBiS representative noted our Safety Survey Results and the PBIS Data exemplified a positive trend.  Thanks for working so hard in the rooms, halls and around the campus to make us ‘that’ school.  We are on that path.

Ac Lab Challenge -

Read our Staff Bios from this week

Did you know this about Kenneth Higgins?

Or Courtney Harmon?

Monday - 11/2
Binder Team – eValuate Data focus
Grades sent out via email and hard copy 
(Permission slip going out for for 7th and 8th graders)
Boys have early practice.

Tuesday - 11/3
 Final CPI Training at Central Office

Wednesday - 11/4 - Early Release
High School Commons to review our KOLBE scores and their interpretations

Thursday - 11/5
New Teachers out for TNT Training to WCEES Library
Intermidiate MRI Training also (Sub concerns today)
Building Leadership Meeting - Higgins Room
MAP Practice Version during the two thanksgiving days or later in the spring?
Please email with additional topics for discussion.
Do we need additional days for planning now?  What about a School Year 16-17 planning day in May for PD, after the MAP tests?

Friday - 11/6
Student of the month nominations 

Saturday - 11/7


11/11 Veterans Day - A bit different this year. Breakfast first followed by pictures and then the ceremony.

11/12 for 7th and 8th graders in the AM.  There will be an opt out sheet.
            We have published it on the WEB and parents are allowed access via this link
Let’s get back into a routine. We get an extra hour this weekend.  If you are like me, you will shove two hours of activities for the one hour of time.  J

Be careful and have a pleasant weekend

Tom McCracken

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Red Ribbon Week at WMS

Oct 26-30th

At the HPBooks Store in Chesterfield, chill-axing with a free cup of coffee, a few good books and an hour to invest, the writing and creating process flowed freely.  Those chairs look just like our library's. (Nice EEH) The free coffee satisfied a late night caffeine urge and the wireless was hyper-fast.  Google Docs worked like it was on my own hard drive making for a truly refreshing evening!

This week at Winfield Middle School there were multiple reasons for celebration.  Besides the outstanding efforts during our PD day, we were able to share the solid PBiS discipline data during the Board Meeting.  Students were definitely glad to be back at school on Wednesday after their five day fall break. They missed their friends, the safe and secure environment and the routines we've established here at school.  Emotional Intelligence was tested and pushed to the limits for many of them.

Emotional Intelligence
Current research in education tie positive correlations between student emotional intelligence and success at school.  Students that address their emotions in healthy ways, understanding emotions in others and process outcomes strengthen connections and facilitate learning and efforts.

Here's Ms Gracey, proud to attend the High School Honor Society celebration and reminding us all to persist.  One favorite quote on a wall said "When you feel like quitting, remember why you started!"  
So simple but profound. Seeing success in others drove many of us into education.  
Now, we are hooked.
Friday: 10/23
Great work with so many subs in the building on Thursday.  (The CPI Training revealed a side of some that we had never expected, Academy!) The 6th grade team got a lot done.  Please check dates and sub requests to ensure coverage during those PD dates and if you want an extra day, email me a request so I can get to it, please.

Monday: 10/26 - Shade out Drugs (Shades and Hats)
Jeans allowed for those participating in RRW
Crider To present in Ross' Room - Mon, Tues & Wed
CPI Training at Central Office (2 of 4)
Binder Team Meetings
Basketball Practices Continue, Girls early, Boys late

Tuesday: 10/27 -  Too Bright for Drugs (Bright Neon)
Admin Meeting at CO in AM
Inter-agency Meeting in PM
PBiS Tier 2 Advanced - three going

Wednesday: 10/28 - Join the Fight (Military or Camo)
CPI Training at Central Office (3 of 4)

Thursday: 10/29 - Wild Day (Wacky Hair/Dress)
Re-Scheduled PBiS Meeting 7:15 in Daugherty's room (special guest)
Math Collaboration Day (Tour Wright City?)

Friday: 10/30 - Team up against (Sports Teams / Class Color)
Progress Reports Due this weekend
AC LAB Dodgeball Tourney for 7th and 8th hours - Daugherty to host and details will follow.
Costume Social in Cafe from 3-5 - Costumes expected but not required at the event but not during school day


Nov 4  -  Early Release Day - Kolbe at the High School
Nov 11 - Veterans Assembly in our Gym after breakfast (instead of before lunch)
Nov 12 - Breakdown St Louis - at High School in the AM for 7th & 8th Graders only - Details to follow
Nov 17 - Pizza Party for big sellers during the fundraising
TBD - DART 6th Grade Survey
TBD - PFH Health Conference

Current settings in SIS allow our grade-book to tally grades cumulatively since August. Term 2 is an extension or continuation of Term 1 grade. It does NOT start over with the other but adds to the previous scores, combined to present a single, overall grade.

Library Use
Please, escort class groups of students to the library.  Yes, it makes sense to just have them meet there, but if I pull Ms Hines for something and students are heading that way unattended, it may not work out.  Feel free to meet in the room and travel together or head them off at the pass. Maybe the end of one period could lead into the beginning of the next????.  Thank you!  

I do not want to gush but given the challenges we faced this week, I can't imagine a better suited team to face the obstacles.  Thank you for supporting these students.


Thursday, October 15, 2015

Bosses Day, Fall Break and Proud Contributors

Bosses Day, Fall Break and Proud Contributors 

Staff Blog
Fall Break

Like a proud father, Mr Ross accepts a small token of appreciation in the form of accolades from this former student naming him as a positive influence in her life during her induction into the National Honor Society.

Thanks for the Hot Sheet conversations last week.  Let’s continue to work the system and hold a high bar striving to help in accountability, finishing work and making good use of class time. We teach students lessons about life, using content as the tools. Similarly, the Buddy Sheet count starts over at the quarter as well.  We will need to articulate the details surrounding those shortly as well. I see AC LAB teacher entering them into a GoogleDocs sheet, then putting an 'X' and initials in the lower corner, then sending them to the office for tally. (Like the Hot Sheets, this too, may adjust and tune as we continue the discussion to reach a conclusion) Special cases may apply but each case will be handled individually.  Thanks for the leadership you all display so consistently.


Special shout to Ross and Gracey for their mention at the high school honor society meeting. Teachers work tirelessly, long hours and often times with little thanks or gratitude. Although they never expect or require it, shout outs of appreciation and remembrances of positive influences often times sustain us through the stretch. Here, one has obviously measured success through the success found in those served. Success measured when others around us reach their goals is the sweetest.  Deeper goals connect larger teams.  Well done!

Great job supporting the students during their fundraising efforts.  We have already done substantially better than last year.  Thanks


The PBiS Warrior Way store is gathering inventory and should be up soon.  Students are enjoying earning Pink and Purple Tickets.  I gave one out the other day when a student walked down the hall without screaming or bouncing and keeping his hands to himself!  He loved it.  Additionally, if a student seems to be displaying TOO MUCH enthusiasm, feel free to use a Hall Restriction as a possible direct governing intervention after your hour.  Excuse them and send them to their next hour, please.

Friday - No School - Beginning of FALL BREAK


8th Grade Volleyball Tournament at Hannibal at 8:30

Monday- No School
Tuesday- No School for students
Staff PD Day (Additional details and locations will follow as I get them.)
8:00 – 11:00  – Google Docs  - All Staff
11:00 – Noon – Lunch
12:00 – 1:30 – Google Classroom – High School and Middle School Staff
12:00 – 1:30 – iPad Training – Primary and Intermediate Staff
1:30 – 3:00 – SMARTboard Training  - Staff Choice
1:30 – 3:00 – Online Resources – Staff Choice
Board Meeting at 6:30 - Recommendations Presented

Wednesday - October 21
No Early Release Day till Nov 4th
Basketball Practices resume Boys and Girls Sharing Resources
CRIDER in Davis’ Room this week with 7th Graders

Thursday - October 22
CPI Training at Central Office at 3:15 (additional dates Oct 26th, 28th and Nov 3rd)
Fall Choir Concert at the High School Gym starting at 7:00.  Both Middle & High Schools will be presenting.  The students are always thrilled when we attend.

Friday - October 23

Upcoming Events
8th Grade Crider Presentations -  October 26, 27 & 28 in Social Studies (Mr Ross’ Class)
Red Ribbon Week – October 26th – 30th
Social/Dance after school
Faculty Mtg Oct 23rd AM - Agenda to follow
PBiS Mtg Rescheduled for Oct 29th 7:15 am w/ Guest
Next Early Release is NOT till November 4th.
DART 6th Grade Survey - TBD
PFH Health Conference

Archives / Resources
Monthly Student WOW forms in Google Docs for us to write something nice and memorable for the students.  I will still read it in front of the BOE but and they will get their certificate but this will be from us too!
Another similar form for staff (WOWs) is in the works.

HOT Sheet  Record on Google Docs  (We all have access to this and Hines will tally?)

New APP for math help:  Ok for assignments and a learning aid but not a test taking tool.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Throw way back Thursday

Throw Way Back for this Thursday Photo

Guesses???  Answer is buried in the post!

Collaboration Days are in action.  Crump finally got to collaborate in content for longer then 4 minutes.

Please ensure you contact parents via email if you are not going to be here during one of the parent nights.

Purple MIX BUCKS or Pink McCracken Money & Warriors of Wonder (WOW)
§  New life into our PBiS!  The students are trying to get Mix to change her hair color to Purple.  The greater money they redeem at the store, the better and the tally determines the winner!
§  Monthly Student WOW forms in Google Docs for us to write something nice and memorable for the students.  I will still read it in front of the BOE but and they will get their certificate but this will be from us too!
§  Another similar form for staff (WOWs) is in the works.

HOT Sheet details  (Does this make sense?)
·         1st – Miss elective or PE or Lunch or Buddy room to work on Assignment
o   Record on Google Docs  (Do we all have/need/want access to this?)
o   Finished, Great
o   Not finished – return to learning setting so student does not get farther behind
§  Reteach – ensure student understands how to complete the activity
§  Assign another HOT SHEET for *ASD - Contact Parents and schedule for Mon – Thur only.
·         2nd - 4th – (in same class) Same as above
·         5th – Same as above – *ASD not working so raise the stakes to ISS to complete assignment
·         Reset count at the quarter.  Beginning Monday, Oct 12th

New APP for math help:
From our SPED team, (NF) we saw an ap that reads the problem, recognizes the equation, then checks the answer and supplies steps if necessary.  Photo-math.

Timeline on Grades:
Upload by Sunday at 5pm
Available then for parent access
Print all and allow parents to pick-up during open-house
Send all remaining home that evening

Home football game – “white out” night
Submit Student of the month nominees.  Names will be read but there is no school that day so we will not expect families to attend.

I-Monday – October 12 – Columbus Day
Binder Team work – Bring Grade Books for review in Binder Meetings, email parents if unavailable
Email grades home
Basketball Practice begins Girls, then boys share and rotate weekly 3:00-4:30 and 4:30-6:00

G-Tuesday – October 13
Parent Conferences at the Middle School - 3:00-7:00pm
Last Football Game away Wright City
Admin Mtg at CO in AM

G-Wednesday – October 14
Fundraising orders due.  Begin collecting them today. (It may take a day or two for students to get them all turned into the office.  Make checks payable to Winfield School District) (I will try and trade this day for a jeans day since we meet parents tomorrow and it is our Friday.)

I-Thursday – October 15
Parent Conferences at the Middle School - 3:00-7:00pm
Volleyball against Wright City at Home

N-Friday – October 16 - No school

S-Saturday – October 18 –
8th Grade Volley ball Tournament at Hannibal at 8:30

Monday – October 19 - No School

Tuesday – October 20 - No students, Technology PD training – Agenda to follow
Board Meeting at 6:30

Upcoming Events

§  7th Grade Crider Presentations – October 21, 22 & 23 in Social Studies (Mr Davis’ Class)

§  8th Grade Crider Presentations -  October 26, 27 & 28 in Social Studies (Mr Ross’ Class)

§  Red Ribbon Week – October 26th – 30th

o   Dodge Ball?

o   Social/Dance after school

§  CPI Training

§  Faculty Mtg Oct 23rd AM

§  PBiS Mtg Rescheduled for Oct 29th 7:15 am w/ Guest
   Next Early Release is NOT till November 4th.
    DART 6th Grade Survey - TBD
   PFH Health Conference

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Show me your friends...

Show me your friends... 
 ...And I will show you your future.
 Three years is enough time for...
 Watching the students grow and develop, we are reminded of the great strides our students make during these middle grades.  Students turn the corner and continue on a path into fine young men and women.  It is our distinct pleasure to aid and support them in this progress. Other students need extra attention, due to a variety of circumstances and often leading to a perspective of “life happens to me” and not one of control or power.  (Think: "Locus of Control") We often make decisions based on partial or limited information but our connections and relationships with this group affects them the most profoundly.

I spoke today at lunch over that quote: “Show me your friends and I will show you your future" and looking around the room, I saw so many young people that have overcome such adversity and obstacles along their short paths, it was both encouraging as well as overwhelming.  We must continue to offer aid, teach them with compassion and remind ourselves of our self-appointed role as their teachers.

Hall Decor
Since the mind can't think two thoughts at the same time, we want students to focus on the positive. The wall decorations are going up and students often read and consider the quotes from their peers as pertinent and worth reading.  Please prepare to have AC LABS post the banners, flyers and posters throughout the week.  (At least before the parent/teacher conferences)


CPI Training  - One from each hall, SPED and Paras.
1st Session

Thursday             Oct. 1
Tuesday               Oct 6
Thursday             Oct 8
Wednesday         Oct 21    or

2nd Session
Thursday              Oct 22
Monday               Oct 26
Wednesday          Oct 28
Tuesday               Nov 3

Friday – 10/2/15
Begin to schedule next round of eValuate Testing

Saturday – 10/3/15
8th Grade Volleyball tournament at Troy

Monday – 10/5/15
Picture Re-Takes – first thing in AM
I have Unit of Instruction details meeting at CO
Binder Team Meeting during plan
Bring your easiest Parent Communication Proposal 
(Weeblie, send syllabus/schedule etc to McCracken, Quarter Plan, SIS updates)
Softball hosts Montgomery County at 5:00pm

Here's what parents reported at our parent meeting last week.

Tuesday – 10/6/15
TNT – New Teachers out of the building for training
Football travels to Montgomery County for 5:30 Kick off
Volleyball to Wright City at 5:00pm
CPI Training 

Wednesday – 10/7/15
Early Release (7th Grade/Jeans) (Prioritization to follow)
Bring Laptops
eValuate Data Review - Share Passwords among teams to ensure all
U of I report back
SPED Co-Teaching time
PBiS Report; Data Comparison, Ticket System Kick Off, Spirit Stick details
Little Cheer Clinic begins in our Gym @ 6:00pm

Thursday - 10/8/15
7th & 8th ELA Planning Day – Subs in the building
Bosch Testing Bias Training
CPI Training 

Friday – 10/9/15
End of the Quarter – Grades due this weekend
PBiS Coaches ½ day gone

Parent Conferences
1. Email parents from class rosters in SIS if you cannot make one night.
2. Let the parents know of the scheduling conflict.
3. Then invite them to make contact the other night or another setting or leave their name and number.
4. Then, the night of, put a sign-in sheet for parents to request contact.

Fall Break
October, 16th and 19th 
District wide Technology PD on Sept 20 

...a child to make the turn?

Have a wonderful weekend.